What We Do

“One day, through the Rosary and the Brown Scapular, Our Lady will save the world”

-Saint Dominic

Members of this informal prayer group simply pray the group’s intentions every day, in union with the prayers of all the other members of the group, for the benefit of one another and the whole world. No binding oath is taken to join, and there is no penalty for leaving the group or failing to say the daily prayers it prescribes.

The prayers said for the group consist ideally of five decades of the Rosary; however, if a member is impeded from offering them for any reason, one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be will suffice. The primary intentions of the Claritas Prayer Group are as follows:

  • The consolation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for all sins against the first Three Commandments, especially sins against Him in the Eucharist; reparation for all sins against Our Lord committed by ourselves and the whole world; and that the Immaculate Heart of Mary be consoled for all blasphemies and outrages against her.

  • The grace of final penitence and final perseverance for all members of the Claritas Prayer Group, and divine assistance with whatever they are dealing with at the moment; that they may all fulfill their vocations- whether to the priesthood, the religious life, marriage, or single life- and may follow God’s will for them to the fullest.

  • The salvation of the souls of each members’ family, friends, neighbours and acquaintances, and the peace and beatitude of their local religious and secular communities.

  • The corporal and spiritual well-being of all autistic people and the salvation of their souls, especially those who are mired in sin, open enemies of the Church, or otherwise in most need of God’s mercy.

  • The eternal rest of all departed autistic people, especially those killed by suicide, euthanasia, and abortion, and for the repose of all the souls in Purgatory, particularly those most forgotten.